"Ask the Experts" / "Demandez à un Expert"

Dr. Hans Katzberg answering our questions on Vaccination Issues in Immune Neuropathies, GBS/CIDP/MMN

"Ask the Experts" - Dr. Rami Massie answers questions about GBS and CIDP

"Demandez à un expert" avec Dre Sandrine Larue - SGB et PDIC

We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting these educational sessions.


"Ask the Expert" - Dr. Rami Massie

Dr. Rami Massie is a neurologist specialized in neuromuscular disorders in general, and in ALS and neuropathies in particular. After finishing medical school and residency at McGill, he completed two years of Fellowship at Mayo clinic in Rochester before coming back to Montreal. He worked for 4 years at Sacré-Coeur Hospital before being appointed full-time at the Montreal Neurological Hospital, where he has worked for the last 6 years. He remains essentially a clinician but is also involved in teaching, research and administrative duties at McGill and at the MUHC.

« Demandez à un Expert » Sandrine Larue

Dre Sandrine Larue travaille comme neurologue au Département de Neurologie de l’Hôpital Charles-Lemoyne depuis 2008. Après avoir complété des études en psychologie à l’Université de Montréal et une résidence en neurologie à l’Université Laval, le Dre Larue a effectué une surspécialisation en maladies neuromusculaires à l’Institut de Myologie (Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris).  Elle est depuis responsable de la Clinique Neuromusculaire à la Clinique Neuro Rive-Sud. Elle agit également à titre de professeure d’enseignement clinique à la Faculté de Médecine de l’Université de Sherbrooke.

Dre Larue consacre aujourd’hui la majorité de son temps clinique au diagnostic et au suivi de patients avec maladies neuromusculaires génétiques et acquises (Clinique Neuro Rive-Sud, HCLM et CHUM). Elle dirige elle-même plusieurs projets de recherche clinique en maladies neuromusculaires (neuropathies, SLA) tout en étant co-investigateure, avec ses collègues chercheurs, pour de nombreux projets de recherche clinique en neurologie générale (sclérose en plaques, démence).

Sylvia DeMelo - Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin / Immunoglobuline Sous-cutanée

Session en français à annoncer

Contactez la Fondation si vous êtes intéressé

Sylvia de Melo, B.Sc. inf., CNN(c), est bachelière en sciences infirmières de l’Université McGill, à Montréal. Elle cumule 22 ans d’expérience en Neurosciences à l’Institut-hôpital neurologique de Montréal, où elle est infirmière clinicienne en soins ambulatoires.

Jackie Robertson, Registered Psychotherapist

Moving from Loss through to Acceptance

Live English session, September 27th at 2:00 pm ET

A presentation with Q&A period, where grief, loss, and learning to thrive
are discussed.
Jackie is a registered psychotherapist, clinical case consultant, college teacher and a certified Child Youth Counselor with extensive experience working with parents, children and youth dealing with various life experiences, personal, and familial issues.
She brings over thirty-two years of experience in adolescence mental health and child welfare, with focused work in mental illness, trauma, attachment and adoption. She is passionate about helping families becoming healthier. She utilizes both her professional as well as her personal experiences to provide practical guidance and help to families in needs. She provides clinical consultation and is a speaker at many workshops and seminars both within Canada and internationally that meets the needs of a variety of adult learning styles.
Regardless of which role she is in, she is very effective in providing down to earth strategies to parental coaching, child and adolescent mental health challenges, clinical supervision and education. Her humor and confident style provide encouragement and hope that change and growth is possible.

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