Other Ways to Give

The GBS/CIDP Foundation of Canada, a national patient organization, has been supporting patients and families since 2003 through the generosity of private donors and sponsors. Your gift of donation has allowed us to grow, support, educate, connect, and invest in research, in Canada.

Now more than ever, we continue to need your support to help those afflicted with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), and variants such as, Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN). With your gift of donation, you will provide:


  • Patient support services, such as peer support and support group meetings

  • Educational events including conferences and online webinars 

  • Canadian patient literature

  • Patient stories, videos and articles

  • Advocacy

  • Canadian research

  • Website content

Above program activities provided in both official languages

Thank you for helping us, help others

Donations made by Canadian residents through our online donation form receive a Canadian tax receipt. Donations of $20 or more sent to the Foundation by e-Transfer or by Canada Post receive a Canadian tax receipt.

Restricted Giving Policy
V 1.0

1. Spending of funds confined to programs and projects approved by the charity. Each restricted contribution towards such an approved program or project will be used as specified with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the charity, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most.

2. Restricted contributions given toward research are given with the understanding that it will be used to support Canadian research projects only. If a research project cannot be completed, unused project funds will be put back in the restricted
research fund toward other Canadian research projects.

3. Restricted contributions given toward the Walter Keast Award will only be used to recognize an award winner/winners for an outstanding contribution to the GBS, CIDP, and variant community once per year. The board of directors will decide on winners of the award and the appropriate honorarium.

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